High Quality

Our curtains' quality and look are heavily impacted by their material. Cotton, silk, linen, and polyester are popular choices. When selecting a cloth, take into account your desires for privacy, light management, and upkeep.

Fast Delivery

Consult regional department stores or home décor shops in the Manning area. It's possible that they have curtains in store that you may buy and take home right away.

Best Warranty

Start by doing some research and selecting curtains from trustworthy, well-known companies. These businesses are more likely to stand behind their goods and provide more favorable warranty conditions.

Curtain Avenue -

Since opening its doors ten years ago, The Curtain Avenue has built a solid reputation for offering high-quality home furnishings products and helpful customer service, making it the ideal location and the greatest service provider.

The showroom understands the necessity to keep its attention on the markets it serves as it moves into the twenty-first century. The buying team’s ability to pinpoint the goods that clients are most frequently looking for is its greatest asset. This makes it possible for Curtain Avenue to uphold its high standards and offer you the highest level of comfort and convenience.

Services We Offer


Good Quality! Highly recommended!

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting the Curtain Avenue Shop, and I have to say that the entire time was fantastic. This boutique, which is tucked away in the center of the city, is a veritable paradise for anyone looking for the ideal window treatments and home décor options.

Mr. Testimonial